

The most important thing about equestrian sports: safety. These articles are functional, remarkable and detailed, but above all very safe.

21 Products


21 Products



Safety is priority number one. Of course this applies everywhere, but in equestrian sports this is also very important. After all, we work together with horses and perhaps in the stable with machines bigger than ourselves. In addition, horses are flight animals, which can sometimes lead to unpleasant situations. But you can make your own preparations to make the situation a lot safer. From reflection up to caps, you will find it in the extensive assortment of QHP.

Safety helmets

A safety helmet is very important while horse riding, but also when you are next to your horse. A safety helmet protects your head from falls and bumps. It is important that you wear a well-fitting riding helmet. Get advice in the store. A riding helmet is also recommended when you are standing next to your horse. When you get a head bump or a horse jumps, a safety helmet offers extra safety. At QHP you will find an extensive assortment of safety helmets in all colours and sizes. After all, safety can also be stylish.

Reflection safety

Being visible is extremely important. This applies for example when you go horse riding or you go walking on the public road. All your fellow road users must be able to see you and your horse well in order to respond to the situation. If you are not properly visible, this can cause dangerous situations. Not taking your horse on public roads after dark is of course the wisest thing to do. But when you do have to take your horse out on public roads in the dark, wear adequate reflection. Reflection ensures that you and your horse are clearly visible. There are several reflective products available for this purpose. It is recommended to wear as much reflection as possible. Because the more visible you are, the safer the situation is.

Horse riding helmet and reflection purchase at QHP

For the purchase of a safety helmet and reflection you go to your nearest QHP dealer. You can find the QHP dealers via the Store locator. When you want to stay informed about the newest collections, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.